Inquiries by phone are accepted only at the times listed below.

Phone number: +81-980-53-2110
Hours of operation: 9:30 – 17:00
Hands-on activity hours: 9:30 – 14:00
Closed: Tuesdays



Regarding times

  • The reservation time is the time that the hands-on activity starts.
  • Please arrive 30 minutes before the time of your reservation for registration and color selection, etc.
  • The time provided for color selection, etc. is shortened when you arrive late. Your understanding is appreciated.


  • 預約時間為製作開始的時間。
  • 製作前有事前說明及樣式選擇等流程的關係,請務必在預約時間前30分鐘抵達報到。
  • 若遲到,選擇樣式顏色等流程時間將會壓縮,請見諒。

Regarding e-mail replies

  • If you do not receive an e-mail reply, please call us. We will confirm your reservation.
    *Please adjust your settings to allow e-mails from “”.
    (If using a mobile phone e-mail address, the e-mail reply may not arrive depending on your PC e-mail rejection settings.)


  • 若是遲遲未收到本公司的回信,請透過電話確認預約狀況。※由於可能被判斷為垃圾郵件的關係,請將下列帳號設為可收信的狀態,預防收不到回信。「」

Cancellation policy

  • Cancellation on the day of your reservation is subject to a cancellation fee of 1,000 yen per person.
  • Cancellations must be made at least one day in advance.          (Cancellation fees will not be charged in the case of a time change, schedule change, typhoon, etc.)


  • 預約當日臨時取消或未到,將收取1000日圓(1位)的取消手續費。
  • 若要取消,最晚請在預約日前一天或提早告知。並不會收取手續費。(預約時間與日期的變動或不可抗力如颱風等因素下取消時,不會收取手續費)

Regarding reservations and changes, etc.

  • Reservations and changes on the day before or the day of your reservation must be made by phone only. (Not by email) Phone No.:+81-980-53-2110
  • The final reservation time slot is 14:00 (may vary by season).
  • Reservations can be made and rescheduled by email up to two days in advance.
  • We will call you the day before to finalize your reservation.
  • We are closed on Tuesdays.


  • 預約日當天及前一天若要變更日期時間,請透過電話聯繫(恕電子郵件不可)TEL:0980-53-2110
  • 可預約課程時間最晚為14:00(淡旺季有所不同)
  • 我們可以受理預約日前兩天的預約和變更。
  • 預約日前天會收到來自我們的聯絡確認電話
  • 每星期二為公休日

    Name 姓名Required 必填
    Desired day 希望預約日期Required 必填< * Reservations cannot be made the day before or for the same day. Please call instead. ※預約日當日或前一天只能透過電話預約。
    Desired time 希望時間 Required 必填
    *The glass-blowing activity is unavailable from 12:00 - 13:00 and 15:00 - 15:30.※12:00~13:00 的時間無吹製玻璃的課程。
    *Please note, however, that we may not be able to accommodate your requested time depending on congestion.※根據預約情況,有可能無法預約上希望的時間,請見諒。
    *Please note, however, that we may not be able to accommodate your requested time depending on congestion.※課程時間會隨淡旺季不同而調整。
    Number of participants 體驗人數>Required 必填 Adults 成人  Children 小孩   
    Desired activity course 希望體驗課程Required 必填
    If more than one, please input the activity courses and number of participants in the remarks field.若想報名複數課程,請將課程種類與人數資訊詳細標記在備註欄。
    Please make a selection here if participating in the glass-blowing activity. 手工吹製玻璃課程者,請選擇想體驗種類。
    Phone number 電話號碼Required 必填
    *Please provide a phone number where we can reach you easily. ※請填寫能聯絡到您的電話,若無則不用填寫。
    E-mailRequired 必填
    *Please allow e-mails from ※請將電子信箱設定成可接收來自info@glassart-ai.jp的狀態。

    If using a mobile phone e-mail address, the e-mail reply may not arrive depending on your PC e-mail rejection settings. 由於可能被判斷為垃圾郵件的關係,請將上述帳號設為可收信的狀態,預防收不到回信。
    E-mailConfirm your e-mail address 您的電子信箱Required 必填
    Have you ever participated in one of Glass Art Ai’s hands-on activities? 有在Glass Art Ai體驗過任何課程嗎?Required 必填
    Are you currently a Glass Art Ai member? Glass Art Ai的會員嗎?Required 必填
    Where did you hear about us? 從哪裡認識到我們的呢?
    Remarks 備註
    Regarding information entered 關於輸入的內容Required 必填
    Privacy Policy 關於個人資訊的使用Required 必填  ( (please see the Privacy Policy here) (請在這邊確認關於個人資訊的使用說明)

    *Please call if you wish to make a next-day or same-day reservation or change your reservation on the day before or the day of your visit.預約日當日及前一天的預約與變更請務必透過電話聯繫。
    *Please note that we only accept next-day and same-day reservations by phone.※預約日當日及前一天的預約與變更無法透過電話以外的方式,請見諒。